I am going to post this quickly because I have a super busy day ahead. I am also a day behind on my meal posting..so this will catch me up and I will post later today to tell you about my adventures..
I am most generally a home body, and prefer to have some alone time exercising gently, reading, meditating, and blending/ juicing, in between running around and taking care of my 2 beautiful offspring. However today I must start going out into the big world of crazy commuting. I am starting to go back to the Hyperbaric Therapy, that I was doing before the Christmas holidays. I will write more in depth about that later tonight and explaining the benefits and what it does for us.
On day 10 of my raw vegan diet for breakfast I started with a glass of water then I had a glass of juice that I juiced made from a cocktail of;
Then I had a smoothie made of;
2 apples
2 pears
1 banana
1 hand full of kale
1 stalk of celery
scoop of vegan vitamin supplement
hand full of ice
I drank lots of water through out the day and I had seeds and nuts for snack time.
I ate snow peas and red and green peppers, tomato slices.
For diner I had a huge salad made of;
butter lettuce
sunflower seeds
pumpkin seeds
I really enjoyed my salad. I am feeling really good....AND..I am enjoying walking by the mirror more these days. I can't believe what a huge difference that 10 days have made. I am going to take pictures of myself in the same pose each week to see the difference. I will be posting some here soon. As well as measuring myself every 2 weeks to see the results.
Have a great day you beautiful beings!
Love and Light
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