
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Even Pixies Have Bad Days

Today I am feeling blue, I don't even feel like blogging..which is sad because usually I really enjoy trying to share some bit of knowledge I have gathered..or some inspiration that I think I have to share with others that might brighten their day. Today is a BLAH day. Blah Blah Blah

I started to wonder..hmm..what is different about today than other days when I am feeling up and excited about living my life? be continued..have to get my kidlings up and off to school...

OK, I am back and in a better mood. Thank you Debbie for your comment. For some strange reason I tend to post like there is a huge entourage following my postings and getting inspiration from my words and insights. Taking my little sparks and making their own flames of health, happiness and passion for living. Maybe it is my little way of feeling like I am making a difference..and helping people.

Even if I only help a few people to know that they have the potential to write their own stories- if they only pick up the pen and start writing it for themselves; with their own ink; on their own terms.

I am making steps in my life to get to the place I see for myself and my family, and I am happy that I can share my story and light.

*I took a few minutes and meditated and thought about all of the things that I am thankful for in my life. The list was long. All of that goodness and beauty that I have in my life is worth celebrating, and I decided to not give my time and energy to a sad and useless feelings. Petting and nurturing my depression isn't very productive or healthy. It only stands in the way of my destination..which is a land of abundance, peace and love...which I want in all areas of my life.

Today I choose to lift my face up the the proverbial sun, and claim my right to have an amazing life..and then live it!


  1. Okay, seriously, DO NOT STOP BLOGGING PERMANENTLY!!!!

    I use this blog as TOTAL inspiration! I haven't mentioned it on my blog yet, but I'm starting a raw/vegan/vegetarian diet February 1, and I SOOOO need your blog as motivation!! ;)

  2. Well Debbie I feel good that I have been able to inspire you to make a healthy change in your life..I think that is awesome. I know starting a diet like this is confusing at first because we are not taught to eat this way...We get used to the way our mothers cooked..or caught up in the the western way of preparing everything. It doesn't take long though..just feel free to ask lots of questions..and I will help in any way I can. I changed they way I ate because I was inspired by others around me that had made that healthy change, and I am glad to be an inspiration after all..")
    ..and I will keep posting as long as at least 1 person reads my blog and gains something from it....
    Lots of love your way today..
